The Beginning

In its infancy, the earth was rich with the air Blix provided and her son Petrislav expertly crafted the terrain. Paying close attention to the roughness and strength of the earth, he made mountains rise and valleys carve their way through the surface of the world for its inhabitants to traverse.
Too impatient to wait for her time to add to the new world, Aether chased Blix and Petrislav away with her dark nights. Finding their work dirty and beneath her, Aether had her son Wrinvichor cover the solid work Petrislav created with water. Not finding humans worthy of the air the gods breathed, and not wanting to mix her breath with that of Blix’s work, Aether selfishly kept her air for the gods. She found satisfaction in Wrinvichor covering Petrislav’s hard work with water, which Wrinvichor generated at the twist of a wrist.